
To make difference in the lives Disadvantaged Vulnerable People
CHAITANYA MAHILA MANDALI (CMM) is a women headed, non‐profit making, non‐political, non‐governmental, humanitarian service based, social developmental grassroots voluntary organization. We are a registered nonprofit organization under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860, empowering vulnerable communities to improve their lives through better health, sustainable livelihood, food security and life skills trainings. We accept donations and these donations qualify for tax exemptions under Income Tax u/s 80G(5)(vi).

Send Cheque

Write a cheque in name of “CHAITANYA MAHILA MANDALI”


H. No: 1/1, Christian Line,

Vempalli Mandal,

YSR Kadapa District- 516329,

Andhra Pradesh, India.


Bank Transfer / NEFT

Transfer money directly to our bank account mentioned below:

Name of the Account       CHAITANYA MAHILA MANDALI

Account Number             40124396174

Bank Name                    STATE BANK OF INDIA

Branch Name                 NEW DELHI MAIN BRANCH

Account Type                 Current

IFSC CODE                     SBIN0000691

PAN Card Number                       AAAAC5925H


Donations to CHAITANYA MAHILA MANDALI (CMM) is eligible for tax exemption under Section 80 G of the Indian Income Tax Act. Please write to us at and share personal Email ID, Mobile Number, Address and PAN No. so that we can send you the receipt certificate & share updates on our programmes with you.