1) To undertake the activities pertaining to the development of women and child welfare, |
2) To create self-employment among the women and girls to root out the financial dependency on others and to improve their living standards, |
3) To create an opportunity to young men and women for providing employment – this leads to self-reliance and economic upliftment, |
4) To establish and run Child Labour Rehabilitation Schools for the benefit of drop out children in the area, |
5) To educate and get awareness in the Society for the eradication of HIV / AIDS and the rehabilitation of the victims and their families, |
6) To take up Sponsorship programmes for the poor and needy children for their better education and bright future. |
7) To introduce job oriented courses particularly for the benefit of youth who are jobless so that they can have self-reliance and self-command and respect among themselves, |
8) To promote co-operation, knowledge and cultural, education among the women, |